Virginia Square:

101 Building Creamery Hopper Building

Virginia Square consists of multiple buildings at the intersection of 1st Street and Virginia Street. The three buildings included the renovation of 2 existing former wholesale warehouses and a new construction building. Each of the three buildings is a mixed-use building and lean more to the modern aesthetic. The easternmost building (the former Creamery Building) houses a fine-dining restaurant on the ground level with 2 floors of housing above. Additionally, a rooftop lounge space for apartment tenants was created. The southernmost building (the former Hopper Building) has commercial office spaces on the first two floors, and apartments on part of the second and third floors. Above the apartments (4th and 5th Floors) is a series of high-end 2-story condominiums with exterior rooftop patio space. The northwestern building is the newly-constructed 101 Virginia mixed-use building with commercial on the ground level and 3 floors of apartments above. To help tie all three buildings together stylistically, tall glass-walled entry vestibules are utilized at the main entries of each building. Similar streetscape improvements such as lighting and bollards are also utilized throughout the small district. Today, the project serves as an active gateway development to Downtown Sioux City.